Homepage / Biomethane / CO2 Liquefaction
High purity CO2 in food quality
Increased revenue plus climate protection
The processing of biogas into biomethane in gas processing plants also produces carbon dioxide (CO2). This by-product is of economic importance, because you can easily sell it on the market. As the owner of a biogas plant, you can easily generate higher income and at the same time be committed to protecting the climate, because through your marketing of “green” CO2 the corresponding share of “grey” CO2 in the economy is reduced. Interest in the use of surplus CO2 will continue to grow in the future, especially from the energy and industrial sectors for integration in power-to-gas processes.
Our services:
- needs assessment and feasibility study
- permission according to the German Federal Immission Control Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG)
- permission according to the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung, BetrSichV)
- planning, plant construction and commissioning of your CO2 liquefaction system
- technical and biological service
Your benefits
“Green CO2”: Your benefits
Reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions
Additional benefit from marketing
in various industries
of your existing system
Areas of application of “green CO2”


Food industry