Homepage / Biomethane / Fuel CNG/LNG
Obtaining bio-CNG/LNG from biogas
The climate-friendly and future-proof alternative
In contrast to conventional fuels, biomethane is a climate-friendly and future-proof alternative. By building a biomethane treatment plant with a (farm) filling station, you will be able to generate significant additional income. Gaseous fuels from biomethane are the gaseous bio-CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and the liquid bio-LNG (Liquified Natural Gas).
We build your bio-CNG filling station
It is our declared aim to support the transport sector with climate-friendly and sustainable solutions. That’s why we offer you turnkey solutions: From farm filling stations to public filling stations. There are currently around 800 public CNG filling stations available for natural gas vehicles in Germany. In order to make refuelling with the environmentally friendly fuel even easier in the future, we are driving forward the filling station network in Germany.
Our services:
- needs assessment and feasibility study
- permission according to the German Federal Immission Control Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG)
- permission according to the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung, BetrSichV)
- planning, plant construction and commissioning of your bio-CNG filling station
- complete plant construction: pressure boosting plants, tank testing plants, storage tanks, plant upgrades, L-CNG gasification, slow-fast-fill plants, truck/car fuel dispensers, 285-bar technology, industrial applications
- annual certification according to the German Ordinance on Biofuel Sustainability (Biokraftstoff-Nachhaltigkeitsverordnung), sections 15 et seq.
- technical service
Benefits of Bio-CNG
Better carbon footprint than fossil fuels
Up to 100 percent admixture possible
As an advanced fuel meets the requirements of the Renewable Energy Directive RED II
No changes to filling stations and natural gas vehicles required
Less pollutant, particulate and noise emissions
Additional income from marketing of the GHG quota